Inspiring ERA: New EU project to support implementation of ERA policy

Join us in shaping the future of European research and innovation! From fostering mutual learning to sharing best practices, we're paving the way for a stronger, more collaborative ERA community that leaves a lasting impact on Europe's research landscape.
INSPIRING ERA Project partners at the project kick-off meeting in Bonn in December 2023


Inspiring ERA is a new EU Horizon Europe project seeking to support and promote the successful implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda. The project started in December 2023 and will run until November 2026.

Inspiring ERA will be working closely with the ERA Forum, the European Commission expert group of representatives from Member States and EFTA/EEA countries, responsible for enhancing coordination and implementation of the objectives of the European Research Area, to identify needs and priority topics with the 20 ERA actions to focus on. The 20 ERA Actions encompass a wide range of topics to strengthen research and innovation in Europe – from open science, gender equality and research careers to knowledge valorisation, promoting international cooperation and strengthening of citizen science.

The main objectives of the Inspiring ERA project are to facilitate mutual learning and cooperation and to disseminate results and lessons learned from the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-24, ultimately facilitating their broader uptake. Close and regular cooperation with the European Commission, the ERA Forum, and the emerging ERA Policy Platform are central to the overall approach of INSPIRING ERA, to ensure optimal flow of information.

Inspiring ERA’s activities include:

  • Providing an information hub and contact point for Member States, Associated Countries and stakeholders.
  • Building a community of practitioners within ERA that support mutual learning and exchange of good practices.
  • Communicating insights, lessons learned and results from the implementation of the ERA Actions.
  • Facilitating interaction, exchange and mutual learning through a programme of workshops and events.
  • Developing policy recommendations and guidelines on how to best implement institutional changes related to ERA policies.

The DLR Project Management Agency in Germany is coordinating the project.

“Inspiring ERA marks a significant milestone in advancing the European Research Area. Our dedication goes beyond project timelines; we aim to establish a sustainable practitioner community, sharing lessons learned and contributing to practical guidelines for lasting impact on the European research landscape,” said Philip Ackermann, the Coordinator of Inspiring ERA at the DLR Project Management Agency.


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