Join the ERA community


INSPIRING ERA is a project funded by the Horizon Europe program aimed at breathing new life into the European Research Area (ERA).

Our goal is to raise awareness, share best practices and speed up the adoption of advancements made under the umbrella of the ERA to benefit researchers and citizens across the countries involved.

We work together with EU Member States, Associated Countries, and stakeholders to implement the ERA Actions outlined in the ERA Policy Agenda, in collaboration with the European Commission. Our project focuses on promoting mutual learning, building a strong community of practice, and offering recommendations for policymakers to ensure the effective uptake of ERA Policy Agenda outcomes.

It is important to translate these achievements into action so that the vision of a fully functioning ERA, where researchers, institutions and innovators can move freely and collaborate across borders, becomes a reality.

Our objectives

  1. Support and promote the successful implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda
  2. Share findings and insights from ERA Actions with a wider audience
  3. Foster mutual learning and cooperation within a community of practitioners


Our focus for 2024

INSPIRING ERA gets underway during 2024 with a focus on three Actions:

Activities during 2024 include online webinars, INSPIRING ERA Exchanges to facilitate mutual learning, as well as the ERA Conference in September.

Our activities

Information hub and contact point
On our website, you will find helpful material on ERA Actions, such as background information, factsheets, event announcements and news. If you have inquiries about a particular ERA Action or require further information, get in touch with us.
Foster a community of practitioners
To build a community of practitioners, we want to engage with different groups of interested people, provide you with networking opportunities such as virtual and on-site events and collaborate with related initiatives.
Communicate insights drawn from ERA Actions
To provide the best possible understanding of the different ERA Actions, we offer relevant information via our project website, our newsletter, social media and through factsheets, insight reports and examples of best practices.
Facilitate interaction, exchange and mutual learning
To enable networking and the sharing of knowledge and experiences within the ERA community, we will host an ERA Conference and organise interactive mutual learning workshops as well as online events focusing on individual ERA Actions.
Provide policy recommendations and guidelines
To contribute to the futher development of the ERA, we will collate the insights and results generated throughout our project activities in concrete recommendations and guiding documents intended to speed up necessary changes or improvements at institutional, national or European level.

Project partners