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Brochure of Use Cases on EOSC and Open Science 

Brochure showcasing recent use cases on European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and Open Science. The brochure, developed by the EOSC Future project, presents 31 use cases from different countries in Europe on policies and practices to implement EOSC and Open Science at national level with a short description, key facts, and links for further information for each use case. The use cases have been collected from Member States and Associated Countries in the EOSC Steering Board via the Survey on National Contributions to EOSC and follow-on interviews with designated representatives for each use case. Published May 2024.

Factsheet on Attractive Research Careers in the Union

Overview of new standards and tools for more attractive research careers in the Union such as the European Framework for Research Careers, including a Charter for Researchers aiming at improving working conditions and the ResearchComp website to support researchers’ transversal skills and inter-sectoral careers.

Factsheet on the European Research Area

Factsheet providing an overview of the milestones and objectives of the European Research Area. Published in January 2024.